Sunday, May 10, 2009

Men: endangered species watch list

I wasn't aware that men all of a sudden became an endangered species. I also wasn't aware that I wasn't the only girl dealing with indecisive men who stashed their bravado (and testicles?) way, way in the back of their closet under the soccer gear they hadn't touched since junior high.

Coincidentally, junior high was probably around the same time they got rejected by a girl whom they legitimately pursued. Oh, how the first cut is the deepest.

Newsflash to you men (not that you would even find yourselves on this page): everybody's been burned at least once. Some have even crashed and burned. And the unfortunate many have even crashed, burned, got into an accident on the way to the hospital, and then ended up with a large medical bill to pay off. Sorry to rain on your already depressing parade, but you're not the only one breaking up inside.

As much as you'd like the girl to take care of the relationship for a change, she's had her share of rejections and heartbreak. If she's putting in more effort than you are, then it's ridiculous. Why?

Because I have two best friends, both girls, telling me about the men in their lives who don't know a good thing when it's right in front of them. If a girl gets dressed up in front of you, does her hair the way you liked, and stays in your apartment for the second movie of the evening, followed by a round of ordered pizza, then SHE FUCKING WANTS YOU. Stop being a pussy, retrieve your balls and make a damn move.
If a girl drives from the suburbs to downtown Chicago at 10pm at night because that's when you wake up from your afternoon siesta, and buys you food, AND THEN helps you do your tax returns, guess what? She wants you too.

I mean "want" in the literal form. She wants you. Just you. All of you. And if you can't gather that from the inconvenience of a great girl sitting at home waiting for your call in an uncomfortable dress, or driving 35 minutes in a blizzard to help you with Turbo Tax, then you need to check your nether regions, because I believe you are not fit to be called man.

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