Monday, March 30, 2009

Eye for an eye, let's see eye to eye.

We all love analogies. In Bio, it makes understanding the mitochondria a lot easier. In real life, it makes understanding our interpersonal relationships a lot easier. We can better place ourselves in unfamiliar territory when we think of our situation in more familiar terms.

Let's take analogy #1. If you're not looking for commitment, you can ascribe your relationship a car dealership analogy. You don't want long-term commitment, but you want more than a test-drive because you might enjoy that car for a while. So, you lease it. You don't commit and buy with 0% APR or down or whatever the fuck for about 3 months and then regret the piece of shit/ostentatious piece of shit vehicle that you are now paying over $800 a month for plus gas.

Let's extrapolate that scenario to relationships--plural. You can commit with one vehicle. You know, you do all the maintenance required--change oil, check brakes, change battery, replace lights, maybe even spruce it up with funky car accessories of which I know very little.

But! You also lease one on the side. A really fucking nice ride, with those crazy side-opening doors and it's a convertible, blah blah blah. Really cool car that you drive when you're out on the town. You only drive the committed car to more familiar, low-key places... like Jewel-Osco. I mean, you love that car, but you'd like something new once in a while.

And let's also say you drive a nice, reliable Honda Civic every month or so. It drives well, it's fuel-efficient, and it's always reliable and dependable. Kinda like a really available and always sure-to-please fuck buddy.

There you have it: relationships of my youth all condensed in car form.

Analogy #2 is mealtime. If my plate is full and I have a big appetite, should I still pile on food? Hell yes until I get full! But what if I'm already stuffed? But man... that ice cream sundae looks fucking delicious. So I get some of that too. Just some. Not all. My take on this? Don't stuff yourself with unnecessary excess calories.

Enjoy everything in small portions. And don't be a pig and doggy-bag everything. Have tiny morsels of the risky dishes (like duck salami or foie gras if you have not yet tried it) and take home the cheesy lasagna that you love.

Analogy #3 is no analogy at all. This is my take. If you like me, tell me. If I like you, I will tell you. If you want me, want me and fight for me. And I will do the same. No nonsense. No leasing, renting, or down payments necessary. No calories and you take home all you want.

Take what's left of this heart
And use, please use only what you really need.
You know I only have so little so please...

-Jack Johnson, "Cocoon"

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